🚀 Progress #005




Welcome to 🚀 Progress. My weekly update where I share my stories and behind-the-scene insights into my journey playing the Internet game and seeking to provide value for this world as an entrepreneur/creator. Every week I will transparently show my progress from the beginning on.

Who is this for?

For people who want to play the internet game and learn from my story.
You think I’m a dreamer? That I shouldn’t even try and give up?
Remember: Quitters never win. Winners never quit. Play the long game.

📽️ Starting video content
🧡 Logo development
📩 Email course
💡 Ideas of the week
Tasks for next week

📽️ Video Editing

This week I immersed myself in the world of video content creation. To be more precise, I started with DaVinci Resolve, a free video editing software. It’s amazing that such software is available to download for free these days.

It was actually quite easy for me to get started with the software. Once you understand the concept of keyframes in Fusion, it’s relatively easy to create animations. It becomes more difficult when you need to get a feel for how fast animations should run.

To film video content, I want my setup to be as simple as possible and not too expensive. That’s why I’ll start by using my iPhone. In addition I have ordered a camera stand for this purpose.

I think that filming and editing the videos is the easy part of creating video content. The more difficult part is the storytelling behind it. What you want to say with the video and what content can be created for it.

When you start creating these types of videos, you suddenly become much more attentive on social media. You pay attention to the cuts, camera work and the story behind the video. It’s really impressive what effects you can create with camera movement, printed elements, simple computer screenshots or sequenced images, for example.

My goal for this week was to create a first short-form video. That was not possible with the time I had. Next week, I will focus more on storytelling and sound design.

🧡 Logo Development

This week I’ve been playing around with logos a lot again. I’ve definitely made a lot of progress and a lot of good designs have emerged. What is missing is a new name. This will be a task for the next week.

I really like the last logo with the integrated logo in the text, but it’s probably not what resonates with my target group. The heart symbol is too feminine and it maybe look more like stetoscope. I also don’t like the font yet.

📩 Email course

This week I somehow started to create a Sub 3h marathon email course based on my experiences and knowledge which is maybe interesting for some one who is aiming for that goal. I think the most important thing with an email course is to really include very interesting and useful information and answer common questions that people ask. A good way to find out what people are asking is using Reddit.

Here’s the table of contents I created:

  • Day 1: What are the requirements to run a run a marathon under 3 hours?
  • Day 2: What does training for a marathon under 3 hours look like?
  • Day 3: What is the optimal weekly micro periodization for a marathon under 3 hours?
  • Day 4: Why the long run is THE most important workout for a marathon under 3 hours?
  • Day 5: The importance of cross training
  • Day 6: How to overcome “The Wall” in the under 3 hour marathon?
  • Day 7: Case Study: How I Broke 3

💡 Ideas of the week

💡#1 Creating a name for a company by using shortened words.
This week a big sports nutrition company changed their brand name from “Ministry of Nutrition” to MNSTRY. I think it’s a cool possibility to come up with a name idea. I especially like the short form of my name (JNDRS) and MNTLY.


By the MNSTRY is worth a look. They’re doing great education content for athletes.

💡#2 Scribble logos on paper
When creating a logo the best way I discovered is to simply grab a pen and just scribble down what comes to your mind. So many ideas evolve.

💡#3 Niche research on your own interests
Think about something that interests you excessively. Your interest gives you the opportunity to look at this topic from all sides and angles. For me, such a topic would be running. There are so many things to explore around a topic.

Tasks for next week

  • Create a story for a short-form video and film it
  • Write on online article for the website
  • Create a moodboard on brand visuals

🔎 Interesting Internet things:

Here’s a collection of interesting finds, tools and people that I have discovered this week in the depths of the internet and that I think are worth seeing:

🔎 #1 Ads written in Apple Notes

I see more and more of these very simple ads written in Apple Notes or iMessage. It’s a simple and effective way.

🔎 #2 Reingineer customer personas with the help of AI

🔎 | #3 Habit Control

I think more and more people are becoming aware of their cell phone addiction and are looking for a solution to reduce screen time. This is the solution I was thinking of, but someone has already made it.



If you’re reading this, I can’t thank you enough. I appreciate the time you’ve spent with reading my things. I hope you found valuable insights and perhaps a touch of inspiration to find your way.

With gratitude,

